Before you can actually choose the type of debt relief that you will use for your credit problems, it is a wise move to know what you can afford to pay first. While financial analysis is not always a requirement, it should be practiced nevertheless at the beginning of any debt relief effort. You have to start taking charge of your finances not just to grow your debt payment fund but also to make sure you stay out of it.

As you make a personal financial analysis prior to debt relief, there are only three categories that you can fall into.

Financial Capability 1: With enough money to spend on basic necessities and debt payments.
This is probably the luckiest among the three categories. This means the financial capability of the debtor is big enough to cover their daily needs plus the minimum payments of their various credit accounts. While it is fortunate that your income is enough to cover all your financial obligations, you will not be qualified for any debt reduction. You are technically not in a financial crisis even though your debts have spiraled out of proportion. In this case, your debt relief choice is debt consolidation.

You can actually try to pay off your debts using the traditional way. This will ensure that your credit score will not suffer as you get out of debt. But if you still want to opt for either of the two types of debt consolidation, debt management or debt consolidation loans, then you may be qualified to do so. In both cases, the debtor will benefit from lower monthly dues because their payment term will be stretched over a longer period. While this has a negative impact on the credit score, it will only be minimal and it will improve as soon as the debtor starts paying off their debt.

Financial Capability 2: With money for basic necessities but not enough for debt payments.
In the next category, the scenario is not as good as the first. In this case, the debtor does have enough to cover their basic necessities but lacks funds for debt payments. In most cases, people under this category has a steady income but unfortunately, it is not enough to cover for everything that they need.

If the deficit for debt payments is only minimal, the debtor can try to increase their income or lower their expenses so be able to afford the options provided in the previous scenario. But if the needed funds are too big, the option for debt relief is debt settlement. Under this program, the debtor will negotiate with the creditor for a settlement amount that is lower than the balance of the debt. If they agree, the debtor will pay for that amount and the rest of the debt is forgiven. The drawback for this is the negative impact on the credit score and the tax implications on the forgiven amount. However, the savings can be significant so a lot of people proceed despite the consequences.

Financial Capability 3: With barely enough to pay for basic necessities and no funds for debt payments.
This is the worst scenario for anyone. In most cases, people under this category have low paying jobs or even none at all. This type of financial situation means they are living on a tight budget and they has to make changes in their lifestyle just to survive. Usually, there is nothing left to pay for credit obligations.

The only debt relief option for this situation is bankruptcy. The debtor will have to go through a means test that will determine if they are eligible for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13. In the former, their debts are totally discharged - but only after valuable assets have been liquidated. In the latter, they are subjected to a low repayment plan which when completed, will prompt the discharge of any balance on their credit. This is probably the worst option for anyone because of the severe impact on the credit score.

Consider carefully where your current finances belong to before you decide on a debt relief program. That way, you can choose the best option that your finances can handle.

If you are looking for an effective and traditional way to get out of debt, you may want to consider using the snowball method. This solution will not harm your credit score because you are not reducing the amount of debt that you owe. Instead you are merely adapting a payment method that puts you in the best condition to finish paying off your debts.

The main premise of the snowball method relies on prioritizing debts. Try not to confuse this with the avalanche method that prioritizes debts that has the highest interest. The snowball prioritizes credit accounts that has the lowest balance.

When you prioritize the the low-balanced debts, you are setting up a great motivator as you go along the debt relief process. Financial experts say that getting out of debt is more reliant on your attitude than the approach that you will choose to accomplish your goal. This is what makes the snowball very effective. The debt payment plan that you will follow sets up a motivator as you pay off your debts. Since you prioritize the debts that has the lowest balance, you get to experience the joy of completing the debt payments on a credit account. Anyone who had been in debt can attest that completely paying off a debt is one of the best experiences and is a great motivator to continue paying off the rest of what is owed. That morale boost will fuel your ability to override temptations and seek better ways to increase your debt payment fund.

Like any other debt relief program, you begin the snowball method by analyzing your finances. Create a budget plan that will tell you how much income you get every month and detailing where every penny goes. As you do this, make sure that you analyze your expenses and get rid of the unnecessary ones. The idea is to grow your disposable income. This amount is what is left of your monthly income when the expenses are removed. It is what you can allocate to your different debts. By lowering your expenses, you effectively increase your disposable income.

When you know how much you can allocate to your debt payments, you can proceed to the next step - listing everything that you owe. As you do this, put your priority debt on top of the list. As mentioned, this debt should be the one with the lowest balance. Make sure you indicate the type of debt, the amount owed, the balance of the debt, the minimum payment and the due date. These details will help you monitor and track the progress of your debts.

The next step is to allocate your disposable income and make sure all the minimum payments are covered. Whatever extra you have should be placed on your priority debt. That will allow you to decrease this debt faster. When you have completed payments on that debt, you will proceed to the next priority debt. You will add the freed funds from the first debt and you put it in the next one. This process will continue until you have gone through all your debts. You will notice that your debts will be paid faster as you increase payments on each of them.

This type of debt relief is only effective for people who have a regular salary and has enough disposable income to pay off their minimum payments. If you do not have this, you should either increase your income or lower your spending to have more funds for your debt payments. If it is still not enough, consider other debt relief options that will allow you to reduce the balance of your debts.

Want to settle your own credit card debt? That is possible. While the norm is to hire a debt expert or a lawyer to help out in debt settlement, there are some brave souls who decided to work on this alone. After all, hiring professionals will entail an average service fee of 25% of the total debt or settlement amount.

While the savings may be a good enough reason not to hire a professional, you need to know that negotiating with creditors can be frustrating and intimidating. This is most true when you are already dealing with third party collectors. Creditors are still somewhat concerned about their relationship with you as a consumer because after all, they still need you as a returning client. On the other hand, collectors are strictly in the business of going after defaulting debtors. They do not care about customer relationships.

If you think that you can handle the stress and you have the negotiation skills, here are the steps you need to follow when conducting your own debt settlement.

First of all, stop paying your creditors. You want them to think that you are in a financial crisis and one way to show that is by defaulting on your payments deliberately. That does not mean you will spend that amount on anything. You need to put that aside, preferably in a separate account, where you will grow it as your settlement fund. You will use this later on as a bargaining chip to get your creditor to agree on a settlement.

As the months go by without any payment from you, creditors will start calling. This is usually after the first 30 days since your last payment. At first, they will be polite as they ask you to pay your dues. But as it gets longer, they will become more aggressive and even harassing. When a few months have passed, the credit card company will pass your account to a collector. This is when things will get uglier. You will find yourself threatened and this is where some people start to break. Collectors will use all means possible to force you to pay. They will even threaten you with a lawsuit or jail time.

As the calls become nastier, you should keep your cool. Ignore the threats and read about your rights as a consumer. You can find out what they are through the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). Even if the collector threatens you with a lawsuit, they are really hesitant to do that. If you are in a real crisis, the courts may decide to discharge your debts and they can end up with nothing.

During your conversation with creditors and collectors, keep mentioning bankruptcy. Tell them that you do not have money and what little you have is barely enough to cover your daily needs. When the 6th month mark comes, start offering to settle. Say that if they do not settle, you may have to file for bankruptcy. Do not be demanding and show hesitation to declare that you are bankrupt.

Continue negotiating until you reach a settlement. In some cases the collector will make the first offer to settle. In most cases, the debtor will. There are also times when the collector will not accept your first settlement offer. When that happens, just be patient. The longer it drags, the more likely they will settle with you.

When they do agree to settle, make sure you get everything in writing. Never send them payments until you have with you a signed and written copy of the agreement stating that after you pay off the settlement amount, the rest of the debt will be forgiven. Also, make sure that you are settling with an authorized representative. To check that, call the creditor and ask to settle with them. If they direct you to the collector you have been talking to, then they are authorized to settle your debts.

People who are in debt usually want the quickest way out of it. When we are talking about the fastest way to solve your debt problems, we usually think about bankruptcy. While it can get you out of debt, bankruptcy will not really solve your problems. You may find your debts discharged, but you are far from the financial freedom that should be associated with the elimination of your credit obligations.

One of the most prominent (and well advertised) bankruptcy disadvantage is its effect on your credit score. Your score will immediately go down 200 points or more. Not only that, the stigma of bankruptcy will stay in your report for the next 10 years. If you had plans of applying for loan to buy your own home or start up a business, you can say goodbye to that. No lender will come near you to provide you with that financial assistance. If you do find one who will entertain your application, they will most likely give you a high interest rate. Your bankruptcy history will make you a high risk borrower and that results in a higher than the usual interest.

Another effect of bankruptcy is you will not learn your lesson. While paying off your debts the traditional way is hard, you get to learn important financial management habits along the way. If your debts are discharged, you don’t get to feel the full impact of your debt responsibility. The chances of you getting back in debt is possible.

When you file for bankruptcy, you are also endangering your personal assets. You can end up with a Chapter 7 or a Chapter 13 bankruptcy. With the former, your debts are discharged but if you have valuable assets, the court may request to have them liquidated. If you land on a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, your debts will not be discharged and you will be asked to pay off a portion of your debts through a repayment plan. In this case, you still need to pay your debts and end up with the same credit damage.

These are only some of the things that you need to know about bankruptcy. Your financial future will suffer greatly if you file for it. There are debt relief alternatives that can work on your current financial capabilities without the destructive effect on your reputation - at least in the financial world.

First option involves growing your income or lowering your expenses so you can increase your debt payment fund. Check your minimum payments and see how much is lacking to cover your debts. Use that as your goal and come up with a plan to reach it. Most of the time, people combine lowering expenses and increasing their income to help grow this fund.

If it proves to be a futile effort, choose among debt relief options that will allow lower monthly payments. You can enrol in a debt management program that will stretch your payments to lead to lower payments. You can opt for debt settlement that will involve negotiating with your creditors to agree to a settlement amount. When this amount is paid off, the rest of the debt is forgiven.

All of these bankruptcy alternatives may be better but you need to study your finances carefully because there are cases wherein bankruptcy is the only option. Consult a debt expert if you can. You may find their expertise helpful in shedding light to your debt woes.

Most debt relief experts will probably discourage you from getting a loan to pay off your debts. While it is a legitimate way to get out of debt, there is just too many pitfalls to make it a safe route towards financial freedom.

However, some people feel strongly about taking this option and if you are one of them, you need to know a couple of things first.

On the topmost list is you need a steady and stable income. This is one of the requirements before you get a loan. If you cannot provide proof of income, no lender will approve of your loan. And the requirements will not stop with just your income. There are more considerations for you to get a good deal on your loan.

When you opt for debt consolidation loans, the idea is to make your monthly payments lower than the current. One of the ways to lower the payment is to get a lower interest rate. To know which is lower, get the average interest rate of all your debts. Whatever is your current rate should be the target. Do not get a loan that has a bigger rate than what you have at the moment.

The best way to get a low interest on your loan is to have a good credit score or a collateral. Both will make you a low risk borrower. Lenders protect themselves from high risk borrowers by raising the interest rate. Make sure you get the best deal out of the loan so you have the lowest possible monthly payment on your debt.

Once your loan is approved, pay off your debts and create a payment plan. That plan will be your roadmap as you get out of debt. There is usually no debt expert involved in this program so you are on your own. That means you need to monitor your payments and make sure they get to the lender in time.

Try to allot as much amount on your disposable fund. Limit your expenses by removing those that you do not really need. You can also set up a supplementary income so your cash inflow is bigger.

Sometimes, we get bonuses or cash gifts that increases our disposable fund. You can put that in your debt payment - unless there is a prepayment penalty. This penalty means you need to strictly follow your monthly dues. If you insist on paying more in order to reduce your principal debt amount, you have to pay a certain amount of fees for that adjustment. If there is none, that will allow you to pay off your debt faster.

Probably the best practice that you can implement is to live within your means. At this point, your debt is not really reduced but you may feel more complacent because your credit cards all have zero balances in them. Fight the temptation to use them again - lest you will acquire more debt on top of what you still owe. This is the main reason why some financial experts advise against using debt consolidation loans to pay off credit obligations.

What makes debt consolidation loans dangerous is your inability to control your spending. You need to develop the right habits in order to keep yourself out of debt. More than paying off what you owe, you need to make sure that you will not end up in debt again.

When you enroll in any debt relief program, your intention is to succeed in getting out of your financial crisis. Because of that, you may want to look into the principles of successful people. We’ve generalized some of the usual tips of successful people and we came up with principles that you can implement while you are on your way to financial recovery.

First of all, successful people always have a purpose for everything. Given that, you need to identify your purpose in getting rid of your debt. Is it because you want to buy your own home in a few year? Is it because you are tired of living from paycheck to paycheck? Or do you want to get rid of your debt for your peace of mind? You have to identify this so you have something to motivate you. Successful people do not wait for things to happen to them. They have the initiative to act on the things that they want to happen - a goal that becomes the purpose for their actions.

This principle allows successful people to align all their actions towards their purpose. If it is not contributing to their goal, then they think twice before acting on it. For those in debt, this can be applied to your spending. If you want to buy something, ask yourself if that particular purchase can contribute to your personal well being or your efforts to have a better financial standing. If the answer is no, then opt not to buy that product.

Another thing that you can get from successful people is that they are not ashamed to ask for help. Although you may feel that you debt is your burden, you need to realize that there are people around you who can help out. If not monetary, they can provide you the moral support that will give you the strength to persevere despite the most tempting of times. Even the most successful person have a support group with whom they get strength from. It doesn’t have to be from one source. You can have one from your friends, a colleague from work and your partner. Choose people who have the same principles as you and will inspire you to achieve your debt relief goals.

You should also know that successful people had their share of failures too. Even the great inventors had to fail countless times before finally getting an invention to work. The same is true for you. It is not the failure but how you get up from that. Your debt is one failure that you should rise from. If you are in a debt settlement program and the creditor did not approve of your proposal, do not be discouraged. Use every failure as your fuel to succeed. Don’t be afraid to fail. It is part of life. Just learn from it and try not to let it destroy you.

All of these principles helped millionaires and billionaires get to where they are right now. While your goals may be small at the moment (getting out of debt), your drive for a successful debt relief should make you a good candidate to apply the principles mentioned above.

When you are in debt, you need to concentrate on growing your disposable income. This is what’s left of your monthly salary after you put aside what you need to spend for your basic necessities. Anything in excess is considered to be your disposable income. This is actually not dedicated to debts alone. It can be used to grow your savings or to finance your entertainment activities. But since you are currently in a debt relief program, it is usually wise to use it solely for debt payments alone - at least, to get out of debt as fast as possible. But of course, if you want to grow your savings at the same time, it is not a bad idea to split your disposable income to fund that as well.

The bottom line here is, you need to grow your disposable income. The question is, how can you do that. There are two ways to do this.

The first is to literally grow your income. This can involve working longer hours in your current 9-5 job or you can set up a supplemental source of income. It can be a second job that is totally different from your day job or you can set up a small business.

One of the best sources of supplemental income can be found online. You can get consultancy jobs, freelancing gigs and other projects that will allow you to practice your profession. If you are a great writer, you can get writing jobs from clients all over the globe. You can charge by the hour or per word.

The Internet also brings possibilities for passive income. If you have a skill that you think you can share with others, you can create a self help eBook that will teach others about your craft. You can sell it on Amazon. Or, you can take great photos and upload them in photo sharing sites. You can charge the rights to use your photos and that will generate you some income. You can setup all of these and you should be able to get a hefty income even though you only worked on these sources once.

The second option to grow your disposable fund is by cutting back on your expenses. This involves sifting through the list of things that you spend on every month and deciding not to spend on those that you do not need to survive. For instance, you can choose to pack a brown bag for lunch everyday. Or you can choose to ride your bike to work instead of using your car. You also have the option to terminate subscriptions that you do not need.

There are many expenses that you may be surprised you can live without. All of these add up to be a significant addition to your disposable fund.

In truth, you don’t really have to choose between the two. You can increase your income and lower your spending at the same time. The important thing is to identify how you will manage your finances from now on so you do not land in the same debt situation in the future.

A life with debt is not the best lifestyle to lead. However, things can get better but only if you have the right tools to use.

A happy life is all about perspective. Anyone who is in debt and is determined to make the best out of it can achieve it. In this particular scenario, you will find that having a budget will allow you to enjoy life despite the discouraging and depressing emotions brought about by debt.

Once you accept that your debt will not go away until you do something about it, you will begin the road towards financial recovery. Regardless of the debt relief option that you will choose to accomplish this difficult task, you find that a budget plan is a common tool in all of them.

Your budget will contain your income and a detailed list of your expenses. It can also contain your debt payments but you can opt to put the details of this in a separate payment plan. The bottom line of your budget is to identify where your money is going - and if it is going to the expenses that is most important to you.

But the question remains - how will your budget help you find happiness despite debt?

Simply put, your budget will help you spend for the things that will make you happy without hurting your debt payments. By laying out all the cards in your budget, you will know if you can afford a certain expense. By monitoring your budget, you are able to shift your expenses around so you have enough funds to make way for this anticipated expenditure.

That may not seem like a lot of fun but it will get you there. More than anything, your budget will teach you how to live within your means. That kind of lifestyle can be done through frugality or wise spending - depending on how much debt to income ratio you have. By learning how to live within your means, you get to keep that positive balance on your budget plan.

For someone who is used to seeing negative figures because of their debt, knowing that you can spending within your means is enough to make you heave a sigh of relief. If you think that owning things that you want gives you joy, then feeling of being able to pay for it in cash can double or even triple that feeling. This scenario will become a reality if you choose to follow your budget and live within your means.

It takes a bit of discipline and determination to get used to. Contrary to what you may have believed, there are a lot of things in life that can bring us so much happiness - without having to spend for them. Sticking to your budget will help you realize this.

As you watch your debt payments grow smaller and eventually disappear from your budget plan, you will not only feel happiness, you will also feel peace and contentment. While a lot of factors contributed to reaching this particular moment, your budget plays an important part in keeping you on track.

If you own a small business, you can expect a couple of debts to haunt you. This is a normal occurrence. From the moment you get a start up loan for the business, you are already in debt. The only difference with consumer debt is that any loan that you take for you business should help pay for itself. Your business generates revenues and any loan you take should be to improve that money making quality.

However, there are instances wherein the debt payments can no longer be supported by the revenues. That means you have to start considering debt relief options.

There are government programs that you can look into. The great thing about these programs is the fact that you can get lower than the usual interest rates. You can search through Grants.gov to provide you with options on what grants you can avail from the Federal government. These include mostly small business startup loans but they can also provide guarantees for debt assistance loans.

Part of the ARRA or American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 states that tax relief are available for companies who are trying to cut back losses in order to cope with mounting debt. This is something that small business owners may want to look into. Apart from that, it provided over $700 million in funds for SBA loans.

You should also know that whatever you can use in consumer debt can be applied in small business too. You can opt for debt consolidation loans or debt settlement. Of course, bankruptcy is also an option but this should be your last resort. All of these small business debt relief options can be effective for certain financial situations.

In debt consolidation loans, the idea remains the same - you take out a big loan to cover for your other credit obligations. The idea is to stretch your loan longer so you get to pay smaller monthly payments. As your debt payment becomes smaller, you free up more funds to invest them in campaigns and strategies that will help increase the revenues of your business.

Debt settlement is also an option that you can look into. Since a lot of small business entrepreneurs function as sole proprietors, they can qualify either as individual consumers or as a business owner. They get to enroll in a program wherein the debt settlement expert will review the financial capabilities of the business to consider how much it can pay their debts while having enough to cover for the overhead expenses. They will negotiate with the creditors on their behalf so the debt is reduced and the penalty charges are waived off.

The last option that small business owners face is bankruptcy. There is a specific chapter known as the Chapter 11 bankruptcy that entrepreneurs can file. It is also known as the Reorganization bankruptcy and it will allow small businesses in debt to get loans with favorable interest rates. These loans will help them stay afloat. It is no longer true that filing for bankruptcy will result in the closure of the company. It is important that you approach bankruptcy carefully as it does pose a significant impact on one’s credit score - specially for sole proprietorship businesses. Consult a bankruptcy lawyer before you proceed so you can identify if this is the best course for you to take.

Ultimately, you should know that debt relief is not enough to solve your problem. You need to check your business processes, audit financial books and see through your products and services to determine why your revenues cannot cover both overhead expenses and debt payments. You may have to consider revising some areas in your company to avoid being in the same situation again.

Before you finalize your debt relief option, you need to know what they are and how they are different from each other. Among the many options, debt settlement and the Chapter 13 bankruptcy is closely related to each other.

Debt settlement involves negotiating with creditor to agree to a settlement amount. When this amount is paid off, the rest of the debt is forgiven. If you are wondering how that is similar to bankruptcy, then you need to read on further.

You may think that bankruptcy only involves liquidating assets and having the whole debt discharged. That is true, but only for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Chapter 13 involves a repayment scheme that the debtor will have to pay in order for the rest of their debt discharged. The emergence of this part of the bankruptcy law came at a time when this debt relief was being abused. Now, a means test is in effect wherein the person filing for bankruptcy will be analyzed to see if they qualify for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13. Those who earn above the average median salary of the State will immediately be directed to the latter. The only thing that possibly benefits the filer of Chapter 13 is they are able to protect their assets. By submitting to the repayment scheme, their personal properties are protected from liquidation - something that is not possible in Chapter 7.

In both cases, there is a need to be in a real financial crisis to be able to qualify for these two debt relief options. The debtors should also have a high debt to income ratio. In most cases, they have minimal income coming in. Probably the best similarity between the two is that the debtor only pays for a portion of the outstanding balance. After that, the debt is forgiven.

The difference lies in a couple of factors. In debt settlement, the whole scheme is dependent on the creditor. In bankruptcy, it depends on the bankruptcy courts. They dictate how much you have to pay and when it has to be paid. It is usually 30% to 50% of the original balance. In bankruptcy, this is more likely to come to pass. In settlement, you are at the mercy of the creditor.

Another difference lies in the credit consequences. Bankruptcy is notorious for its effects on one’s credit report. That is not an exaggeration. That taint on your record will remain for the next 10 years and your credit score will go down by a couple of hundred points. In a settlement, the record will be tarnished for only 7 years and the least number of points that you will lose will be around 50 or so. That will be greater the longer you reach a settlement and default on payments.

The time frame of the repayment plan will also vary. In bankruptcy, it can stretch to 5 years - making payments smaller every month. In debt settlement, the term is only between 2-4 years. If you want to get out of debt faster, this is will make it happen for you.

Privacy is another difference between the two. Your bankruptcy filing will become a public record. Debt settlement remains to be a private matter. The only indication that you went into this debt relief option is in your credit history wherein your debt will be tagged as “settled”.

Lastly, the fees are different too. The settlement service fee is dependent on the amount that will be forgiven. The average can reach a high of $5,000. If your debts are high, then the same goes for the fees. Chapter 13 is usually $3,000 tops.

Debt settlement is a great bankruptcy alternative but you need to consider which is best for you. Choose which among the two will serve your purpose best. It may help to consider the aftermath of each debt relief option. Whichever appeals to you the most, may be the best debt relief path that you can take.